FOOD TROOPS CIC believes having access to healthy, nutritious food is a fundamental human right. We believe children and their families should not suffer with lack of access to food as a result of having a lack of education, skills, finances or confidence to prepare their own meals from fresh fruits and vegetables at home.

Food Troops was set up in 2019 by providing cookery classes into the community, allowing children and their families the freedom to prepare & cook their own healthy meals from scratch. Food Troops CIC has since been on a mission to broaden our tastebuds & our culinary knowledge through a range of educational sessions, workshops, foodie-fun boxes ‘the Vegucation Club’ & videos aimed at children & their families as well as through our community food programme; o”ering surplus food parcels into the community; tackling another growing issue; food waste

Our mission to be 100% plant-based is due to the rise in veganism in our world today. We see this not just as a trend but as a necessity for a more sustainable future for our planet. The more diverse range of locally produced, seasonal, plant-based meals we consume, the more we can thrive & survive in our planet this 2021 & beyond as the greater and more biodiverse our planet can become again; moving away from our current agricultural systems of mass production and monocultures! However moving away from ultra-processed foods including soy products and meat substitutes, we focus our cookery classes and food education on ways we can increase a greater variety of seasonal, sustainably sourced fruits and vegetables onto our plates.
The NHS (2019) published that just 18% of children consume the recommended 5-a-day and with an increase in diet-related disease, and an obesity epidemic here in the UK as 1 in 10 children under 5 are obese, action needs to be taken NOW.

Increasing our fruit and vegetable consumption will not only improve our health both mentally and physically, but the health of our planet will improve as well!

…………..its a Win-Win!